Mlondolozi Ndlovu is a media trainer, practising journalist/broadcaster and media researcher, a fellow of the Freidrich Ebert Stiftung (FES- Germany). He has worked for a number of media institutions and the civil society sector. He has worked for Amnesty International-Zimbabwe as Communications specialist and with the Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS) as Programs Manager and Acting National Director. He has published in media journals around the media and the law in Zimbabwe. Has produced reports for local NGOs among them the VMCZ state of the media during the Covid-19 period and the VMCZ state of the media report for the year 2022/3. He currently teaches Media laws & ethics and Political Economy at the Christian College of Southern Africa (CCOSA) and is a correspondent for the Voice of America (VOA) based in Harare Zimbabwe. He holds a Degree in Media Studies and a Masters Degree in the same field. He is also studying towards a Bachelors of Law Degree at the University of Zimbabwe.